
As I discover the locations of
other stations Phyllis mentions,
I will add them to the map
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South Sudan Aerial photo

Tall Grass
Rainy Season

Tall Grass
The Elaphant Grass is aptly named,
as it grows as tall as the male elephant.

The flat-bottomed paddle steamers plied the Nile
often so loaded that any sort of wave would
sink them -as it often did.

Alan and Milton bringing home a super large white crocodile
that had been dragging cattle and even fishermen into the river.

Elephant compared to a Baobab tree.

In her Memoirs, Phyllis mentions some of the snakes.
These are some of the ones we often encountered.
-> Click on the image to enlarge it.


Alan and Phyllis, February 8, 1940.

The type of locamotives used in Sudan through the 1950s.

A typical Euoropean building in the South Sudan

Khartoum, a sandstorm rolling in off the Sahara

Shiluk men, some of the tallest people known.

Typical huts made from mud and thatched.

Long-horn Brahma cattle

How the people drew water from the river

Hippos can run as fast or faster than a man and can
snap him in half with their tramendous jaws.